When fiction replaces reality, the climate becomes less burdensome, vision larger and beings can breathe at last in their element and find again, without much effort, a liberty of mouvement which carries them, playing out of constraints, to the summits of inventive capabilities... Louis-René des Forêts. Ostinato. Paris:Gallimard, 2004, P.211.

preludeS again

the beat batting its sock
colluding preludes anew
of proSes
trampling typing feet
of four and five and six O'clock
in the open C of proSe potry
the personifictation of seas or
of a chaos of drops of spots
of times of drops of chaos that
is the sea of prosetry of pre-
suppository ludes, in the nude
night of uppercase ease
and then the lighting of the screens

dialogue turned to trilogue try logue again at potency of n
yes yes
n logues as n sexes as in each time speaking as if it was the first time
as in each time making love as if it was the premier fois which is also the

the first love which is also always also the last last love page

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. you are free to share, to tell the stories of ZidoliS, also of saying it is a ZidoliS story, a preludiC oStiNatO, a personifictation of oNeS