When fiction replaces reality, the climate becomes less burdensome, vision larger and beings can breathe at last in their element and find again, without much effort, a liberty of mouvement which carries them, playing out of constraints, to the summits of inventive capabilities... Louis-René des Forêts. Ostinato. Paris:Gallimard, 2004, P.211.

was Sail_ed

ZidoliS serpent__ed around the tree of apples around apple trees of hortusyard of apple orchards. SidoliZ pruned of S idoliZ graft his shaffty i into sap of tree doliZ graft_ed seed of he into old apple tree dolZ gave his o to fend off rot dlZ digs. dlZ discarded dental liquids to become Z Z in january sing songs to fend off feral spirits 'old apple tree Z wassails thee and hopes that thou shalt bear and so merry let Z___be and health to ye old apple tree' Z wasSailed all night all night Z was Sail__ed back and forth of orchard of hubris in hortus yard of Z's wassails. the rooting apple tree apples rotting SidoliZ fell to ground and serpent__ed away. SidoliZ wiggled back into place. ZidoliS zizzed off.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. you are free to share, to tell the stories of ZidoliS, also of saying it is a ZidoliS story, a preludiC oStiNatO, a personifictation of oNeS