When fiction replaces reality, the climate becomes less burdensome, vision larger and beings can breathe at last in their element and find again, without much effort, a liberty of mouvement which carries them, playing out of constraints, to the summits of inventive capabilities... Louis-René des Forêts. Ostinato. Paris:Gallimard, 2004, P.211.


ZidoliS pick_ed a ragworth of ragwort to keep water for trees. then ZidoliS weaved a dried-sperm-yellow ragwort rag. SidoliZ pick__ed the ragwort and pilled it and burnt it so it wouldn't seed off in the wind. ZidoliS did that for years and then got some sheep to help him. to sheep SidoliZ said eat ragwort tiz goood fer yer but is white hemlock to horses to orchard trotting night mares. SidoliZ will come back to all this, ZidoliS whipped the brow of sheep with rag, with rag wiped his sheepy brow.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. you are free to share, to tell the stories of ZidoliS, also of saying it is a ZidoliS story, a preludiC oStiNatO, a personifictation of oNeS